Today is The Day! It’s the day where you stop waiting until tomorrow! It’s the day that you make a decision that will change the rest of your life! Do It For You!
Get the scoop on how we’ve helped people like you lose weight and keep it off. You’ll wonder why you waited so long! And while our program will help you look and feel better, your total health will improve as you burn bad fat. We utilize body composition machines (like Athlete's & Body Builders use) to show you are loosing the bad fat not good fat, water or muscle, as well as help you transition off so you don't gain weight back.
Our approach is very UNIQUE and empathetic which is paramount to patient success. Our desire, mission and commitment, is to empower each of our patients with life-changing knowledge while utilizing functional medicine practices promoting vitality & longevity. We Love being in the business of transforming and enriching lives with proven approaches to rapid, safe and reliable weight loss while also helping countless people feel more confident, look younger, feel healthier and happier than ever.
A la hora de atender tu salud, es importante que puedas comunicarte claramente con su médico profesional licenciado practicante.
Obviamente, ayuda mucho hablar el mismo idioma.
Estamos aquí para usted.
¡Hoy es el día! ¡Es el día en el que dejas de esperar hasta mañana! ¡Es el día en que tomas una decisión que cambiará el resto de tu vida! ¡Hazlo por ti!
Conozca cómo hemos ayudado a personas como usted a perder peso y mantenerlo. Se preguntará por qué ha esperado tanto tiempo. Y mientras nuestro programa le ayudará a verse y sentirse mejor, su salud total mejorará a medida que queme la grasa mala. Utilizamos máquinas de composición corporal (como las que utilizan los atletas y culturistas) para mostrar que está perdiendo la grasa mala y no la buena, el agua o el músculo, así como para ayudarle a hacer la transición para que no vuelva a ganar peso.
Nuestro enfoque es muy ÚNICO y empático lo cual es primordial para el éxito del paciente. Nuestro deseo, misión y compromiso, es capacitar a cada uno de nuestros pacientes con el conocimiento que cambia la vida, mientras que la utilización de las prácticas de medicina funcional promover la vitalidad y la longevidad. Utilizamos máquinas de composición corporal (como las que utilizan los atletas y los culturistas) para mostrarle que está perdiendo la grasa mala, no la buena, el agua o el músculo, así como para ayudarle en la transición para que no vuelva a ganar peso.
Our desire, mission and commitment, is to empower each of our patients with life-changing knowledge.
Our goal is to provide you with personal service that includes a UNIQUE multi-faceted comprehensive approach focused on Your needs, goals & lifestyle.
We have ALL been there... LIFE gets to us! Do Something for YOU; Make the CHOICE T
Our desire, mission and commitment, is to empower each of our patients with life-changing knowledge.
Our goal is to provide you with personal service that includes a UNIQUE multi-faceted comprehensive approach focused on Your needs, goals & lifestyle.
We have ALL been there... LIFE gets to us! Do Something for YOU; Make the CHOICE TODAY to Get YOU BACK!
Nuestro deseo, misión y compromiso, es capacitar a cada uno de nuestros pacientes con el conocimiento que cambia la vida.
Nuestro objetivo es proporcionarle un servicio personal que incluya un enfoque integral multifacético ÚNICO centrado en sus necesidades, objetivos y estilo de vida.
Todos hemos pasado por eso... La vida nos afecta. Haz algo por ti; ¡elige hoy mismo recuperarte!
More than anything, T. Franklin Haynes, P.A. & his wife, Sheri are passionate about helping people live Healthier, Happier lives.
Franklin has been practicing for 31+ years with endless satisfied patients.
We advise on ways to Safely loose Bad Fat, NOT Muscle, Water, Good Fat or Collagen/Elastin (which keeps your skin tighter & younger l
More than anything, T. Franklin Haynes, P.A. & his wife, Sheri are passionate about helping people live Healthier, Happier lives.
Franklin has been practicing for 31+ years with endless satisfied patients.
We advise on ways to Safely loose Bad Fat, NOT Muscle, Water, Good Fat or Collagen/Elastin (which keeps your skin tighter & younger looking)
We also help you transition off which is Important so your body does Not go into Storage mode.
Más que nada, T. Franklin Haynes, P.A. y su esposa, Sheri son apasionados por ayudar a la gente a vivir vidas más saludables y felices.
Franklin ha estado practicando durante más de 31 años con un sinfín de pacientes satisfechos.
Aconsejamos sobre las formas de perder con seguridad la grasa mala, NO el músculo, el agua, la grasa buena o el colágeno/la elastina (que mantiene su piel más firme y de aspecto más joven).
También le ayudamos a la transición que es importante para que su cuerpo no entre en modo de almacenamiento.
We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of bariatric care and believe strongly in the importance of enjoying your life.
Our experienced team is here to help guide you on your journey. Check out Our Brand Pharmacy Grade Products along with other Natural Wellness Supplements, Injections, Patches, Drinks & More!!
Conditions like hyp
We pride ourselves on being at the forefront of bariatric care and believe strongly in the importance of enjoying your life.
Our experienced team is here to help guide you on your journey. Check out Our Brand Pharmacy Grade Products along with other Natural Wellness Supplements, Injections, Patches, Drinks & More!!
Conditions like hyper-tension, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, high cholesterol & pain can often disappear along with the weight.
~ FREE Professional Body Composition Analysis Weigh-ins & Mini-Consults through out your journey. * {*Some limits apply}
Estamos orgullosos de estar a la vanguardia de la atención bariátrica y creemos firmemente en la importancia de disfrutar de su vida.
Nuestro equipo experimentado está aquí para ayudarle a guiar en su viaje. Vea nuestros productos de grado farmacéutico junto con otros suplementos, inyecciones y parches naturales para el bienestar.
Condiciones como la hiper-tensión, la fatiga crónica, la presión arterial alta, la pre-diabetes y el dolor a menudo pueden desaparecer junto con el peso.
~ Análisis profesional de la composición corporal GRATIS y mini-consultas a lo largo de su viaje. * {*Se aplican algunos límites}
We are located at 7447 Harwin Dr #109 in SW Houston. We have patients Safely loosing 6-20 lbs a week, we have patients Safely loosing 8-20 lbs a month, it just depends on what program and options they chose along with any other health conditions.
TUES-FRI 9:30 am-4:30 pm
SAT 9:30 am - 2 pm
PLEASE CALL 832-821-LOSS (5677) FOR APPTS/CITAS (Pls hold on the line & for DIRECTIONS (also on our Main page) ~ Look for our Big RED S & Our Lobby has RED COUCHES
*Disclaimer: Results will vary by person and are based upon the patient's choices, the lifestyle changes, and the compliance with the programs.
The content of this website is intended to be general information. It is provided only as a service.
It is not medical advice and not intended to be taken as medical advice.
The content of this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for or delay the seeking of appropriate or professional medical care.
Individual results may vary.
(You can do a check-in & review)
https://www.facebook.com/UNIQUESMEDICALSVCS/ (Pls like & share & review)