You’ve heard all about us and our amazing lineup of true weight loss programs.
We truly understand the struggle, however our expertise & products work!!
In addition to our programs & diets, we offer a vast variety of tools, knowledge and products to help find the new you!
B12, Other B Vitamins & Lipotropics ~ Boost Energy, Assist in the burning of unwanted stored visceral fat, Detoxify the body & liver, Helps regulate sleep, mood, appetite, focus & more!
When lipotropic agents are combined with different B vitamins (included in our high quality formulas) the synergy created provides exceptional fat burning
B12, Other B Vitamins & Lipotropics ~ Boost Energy, Assist in the burning of unwanted stored visceral fat, Detoxify the body & liver, Helps regulate sleep, mood, appetite, focus & more!
When lipotropic agents are combined with different B vitamins (included in our high quality formulas) the synergy created provides exceptional fat burning throughout the entire body & Improved overall health & wellness.
Our healthcare professional kindly delivers the shot directly into muscle, usually into the upper bum/hip, thigh or upper arm, for easy absorption into the bloodstream.
These are Controlled Substance Prescriptions, FDA approved medications which are stimulants that control hunger and food intake. Although phentermine is one of the most commonly prescribed weight-loss medications, it isn't a good option if you have heart disease, unregulated high blood pressure (take your medication routinely), or a
These are Controlled Substance Prescriptions, FDA approved medications which are stimulants that control hunger and food intake. Although phentermine is one of the most commonly prescribed weight-loss medications, it isn't a good option if you have heart disease, unregulated high blood pressure (take your medication routinely), or an over active thyroid.
We prescribe other medications, HCG Diet Plans & Natural Supplements as well !
Contact us Now to find out more!
~ Take your HTN / Blood pressure medications, Do NOT Drink Coffee or Energy Drinks before your appointment. Please stay Hydrated!
Most of us have probably been eating a Standard American Diet during most of our lives.
New data shows that nearly 40 percent of Americans were obese in 2015 and 2016, a sharp increase from a decade earlier, federal health officials reported 3/23/2018.
Man A, B and C are exactly the same height.
A and B have the same weight, and C weighs considerably more.
For his height, C appears to be fat.
After analyzing BODY FAT levels, B and C have acceptable percentages while A has above the recommended range and is at a higher health risk.
At UNIQUE S MEDICAL we use Body Composition Analysis to determine Body Fat Percentage which is the most accurate way to decide how much you need to lose.
Eating the wrong type of food has resulted in extra stored body fat and suddenly, our priorities change as our health has deteriorated because of this.
Not fitting in those jeans takes a back seat to looking out for #1, Y O U.
It is easy to get caught up in the fad diet hype and/or the billion-dollar weight loss industry's attempt to lure us into buying their products. Promises of miraculous and effort free results leave us in limbo and confused.
At Unique S Medical, we avoid confusion by simplifying, as we individually coach our weight loss patients in proper eating habits and lifestyle changes that will help them reach their goals and maintain a healthy weight.
Obesity is defined by having a BMI of 30 or above. As your BMI goes up, your risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and cancer goes up. We use Body Composition Machines, to improve fat % loss not your good fat, muscle or water :)
If you are overweight or obese, reducing your weight by 5 to 10 percent can lower your risk of these chronic diseases.
Check out this informative video on the potential risk factors associated with excess weight.
Being overweight means an excess of total body weight based on population averages for heights and body frame sizes.
Athletes and very muscular people may be overweight, but that does not mean they are "over fat".
Obesity means an excess of body fat regardless of weight.
Weight alone is not a clear indicator of good health because it does not distinguish between pounds that come from body fat and those that come from lean body mass (muscle).
Carrying too much fat is a condition called obesity, and puts a person at risk for many serious medical conditions including heart disease, diabetes and even certain forms of cancer.
In fact, obesity contributes to at least half the chronic diseases in our society.
At UNIQUE S MEDICAL we use the TANITA scale to determine Body Fat Percentage which is the most accurate way to decide how much you need to lose.
Find out what makes this scale a powerful weight loss tool.
When did Weight loss become an option?
Let us help you reach your goals!
7447 Harwin Dr. Suite 109
Houston, TX 77036
(832) 821 - LOSS
Please TEXT or CALL us for more information!
When it comes to weight loss, many people turn to diuretics, or "water pills", for quick results. They buy them at the nearest drug store, order them online or in some cases, even take someone else’s prescription.
Diuretics are any type of medication that forces the body to get rid of fluids it wouldn’t otherwise do on its own. Seeing that lower number on the scale from losing water weight is appealing, and that’s what makes them so tempting to people trying to lose a few pounds fast.
But is using a diuretic really the best way to "lose weight"?
Fact: Losing water weight is not the same thing as losing weight. Unfortunately, while taking a water pill may move the needle on the scale, the effect won’t last.
Just because we lower the number on the scale by a couple of pounds, that doesn’t mean we’ll see the health benefits of losing weight because we haven’t altered the amount of fat in the body. In conclusion, diuretic use is not true weight loss, and its effects are temporary.
Fact: Whether they’re prescription or the kind you buy at the drug store, water pills are not explicitly safe and taking them without the guidance and supervision of your physician can dangerously alter your body chemistry.
When you take a diuretic and it causes you to urinate out the fluid in your body, it’s not just water. The fluid also contains important electrolytes like sodium and potassium which in turn unbalance your body’s chemistry. Electrolyte imbalance can cause a whole set of complications that can be life threatening. You have to be very careful when you disrupt your body’s mechanisms of retaining water.
Fact: Diuretics from the drug store are different than the medications that a doctor would prescribe.
Prescription water pills are much more potent than their OTC counterparts and should only be used for the conditions they’re meant to treat.
Diuretics come in different varieties and some are prescription medications that are prescribed by a physician for a specific illness or disorder – most commonly, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.
Fact: Water pills can alter the way other medications work in your body, which can cause harmful and dangerous side effects.
For example, heart medications affect our blood chemistry, and when you alter the blood chemistry by taking a diuretic, you can alter the effects of these medications. Other medicines are also eliminated from your body through urine, and if you are causing the body to urinate more, the level of the medicine in the blood can get low, and that can affect the underlying disease that is being treated.
Obesity is not a condition that is to be treated with diuretics.
*Disclaimer: Results will vary by person and are based upon the patient's choices, the lifestyle changes, and the compliance with the programs.
The content of this website is intended to be general information. It is provided only as a service.
It is not medical advice and not intended to be taken as medical advice.
The content of this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for or delay the seeking of appropriate or professional medical care.
Individual results may vary.
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