Welcome to the ZERO CARB Diet and congratulations for making the first step on your low carb journey! When you start this diet, the first two weeks are quite dramatic. In the blink of an eye, you'll look younger, feel better and burn an amazing amount of stored body fat. This diet plan lets you reach deep ketosis in record time. The fat loss is incredible and the plan is highly effective for breaking stalls. Therefore, you can always fall back on this diet plan for a quick way to recover from an accidental cheat day(s), to break a diet stall (plateau) or prepare for a special event.
The Zero Carb diet is crazy-simple . everything is written out without hard science or complicated math equations. You can do this!
Starting this diet means limiting starches and sugars to ZERO. You will eat a moderate amount of protein and of healthy fat sources.
· Reading Labels Like a Pro
When you begin this diet, you will be surprised to find out where sugar is hiding. Reading food labels like a pro means finding the hidden carbs and figuring out the number of carbs that come from sugar.
· Find the Hidden Sugar
Pay attention to the added sugars/starches in the ingredient list. You may see ingredients you are avoiding. It may be "Low Carb", but still has things like corn syrup.
You may notice food labels list "sugar" separately under the carbohydrate section. Food companies are only required to list certain types of sugar grams there. Don't trust the sugar gram numbers on the labels and remember, this is a ZERO Sugar = Carb diet.
· You Are Not Alone
Starting a ZERO Carb Diet takes planning, but it is worth it. Keep it enjoyable, fresh and challenging. There are rough patches, especially during the first few weeks as your metabolism changes over to using fat for energy. This will pass and your new body will emerge.
Come in for weekly weight checks using our amazing TANITA Body Composition Analysis machine, FREE.
This will help you check your weight, take body measurements and body fat percentages. Use your phone to take live video or photographs.
It is amazing to see how much our bodies change during the first weeks. If you follow this way of eating, your body will change.
As your energy levels increase, you may be more active and you may gain muscle density/mass. When this happens, a regular scale may move slower or even go up... but your size still shrinks!
Measuring, photographs and tracking results are your insurance policy for motivation. ~ Which is why we use Body Composition Machines like Body Builders & Athletes because it shows your Good fat, Muscle & water while showing you loosing the Bad Fat which is our goal! Come do your weigh-ins!!
Nothing feels better than watching that number go down & your clothes fitting better! Your Mind & Body Feel Better!!
Support from family and friends is important.
They may not completely understand how a low carb diet works, but they do know you're tyring to make a positive, healthy change in your life.
Simply explain you'll be avoiding sugar, grains and junk food while eating healthy fats, meat, cheese and eggs.
Go ahead and tell them about all the butter, bacon, whipped cream and cheese sauces you're eating.
They don't have to eat your diet - but they should respect your wishes, boundaries and decision to avoid inflammatory sugars.
If your house, workplace, or car is full of candy bars, potato chips, cookies, bread, pasta, rice, beans, fruits, oatmeal, granola bars, yogurt, milk, chocolate, it will be hard for you to eat healthy.
Starting a ZERO CARB diet is a big decision.
Don't sabotage yourself before you even get started.
Check your cabinets, fridge, desk, console, glove box, etc read the labels. Remove all unhealthy foods & stay clear of processed foods.
If you have an emotional time (Life gets to us) Try nibbling, tiny bites & roll it around in your mouth to savor the flavor while satisfying your emotions you are still making great progress!! Just wean yourself off slowly if you need to ... make 1 improvement Every Day!
Days 1-2
Most diets put special emphasis on the first two weeks, when you get used to eating in a healthier manner.
But those first two DAYS are the key – when you break your carb addiction!
& Mindfulness with positive reinforcement - Tell yourself, "I don't want ... I do really want ... I love the way this tastes!! I want this!! I rock!!" etc
TIP: Start your diet on a Thursday night with a lower carb dinner. You’ll wake up Friday morning with a 12-15 hour head start. Since you ate lower amounts of carbs at dinner, your body was burning extra glucose (sugar) while you slept.
Don't Forget About Our Lipotropic INJECTIONS, SUPPLEMENTS & PATCHES
Your weight loss plan from Unique S Medical includes Lipotropic Injections.
Lipotropic (Fat Burning) Injections are an excellent way to safely, efficiently and effectively lose EVEN MORE weight and burn fat FASTER.
The first two days of ZERO CARB are challenging. Your body was using high sugar foods for energy, and storing your fat. Your body will crave sugar at first. You may get cranky, tired or shaky. The worse your symptoms are, the more addicted your body was to sugar.
Don’t worry, we only carry enough glucose (sugar) to last for 2 to 3 days in our bodies. If you are feeling sick you can have a little / less than 10-20 grams of carbs a day.
Soon, you’ll no longer be a “sugar burner.” Your brain sharpens and clears, and your metabolism becomes more efficient. The more healthy fats & protein you eat, the more stored body fat you’ll burn for energy.
Both you and your metabolism are being introduced to a brand new lifestyle – emotionally, physically and psychologically.
All change involves a little stress or even second-guessing. Take care of yourself and avoid stressful situations if possible. Give your ZERO CARB diet a fair chance in the beginning, as early as possible.
On day 3, your body starts consuming any extra fat supply.
When you eat, you'll burn those fats as well.
Many people lose an average of 7 to 14 pounds in the first two weeks of the ZERO CARB diet.
If you have a large amount of weight to lose, expect to burn even more.
During ketosis, people that follow the ZERO CARB diet experience bursts of energy and heightened mood. Some dieters notice a temporary, sweet taste in the mouth or a mild, sweet breath odor - a reliable signal they've reached ketosis. Sugar-free gum remedies the issue, which is typically short-lived and not bothersome.
The next week or two includes an amazing transformation. While in ketosis, any roller coaster mood swings, hunger cravings, headaches, fatigue, GI upset, indigestion, bloating and stomach puffiness caused by sugar are gone.
You'll feel better, need less sleep and have much more energy.
Say goodbye to naps. You’re also losing weight rapidly (lots of stored body fat). You're not hungry all day long. Instead, you're eating delicious, fattening foods and your body is shrinking.
Yes, this really happens.
After the first week, you’ll notice a new energy.
You'll feel more lively and even-tempered.
Your sugar-rush highs and lows will be gone, and any shakiness when you’re hungry will go away.
Don’t forget to measure to see the inches you’ve lost during your first week, and again after your second.
Find out what makes this scale a powerful weight loss tool.
Continue this diet until you have reached your goal and do not forget, we are here to help guide you along the way.
Many patients that have reached their weight loss goal or cannot come in for regular weight control start with a LOW CARB Induction limit of 20 net grams of carbs per day for the first two weeks.
Again, this simply means avoiding sugar and counting carbs while eating healthy fats, meat, cheese and eggs.
You'll also avoid foods known to cause problems during your transition – like alcohol, caffeine, nuts, seeds and fruit.
All the fun stuff.
But after your first two weeks, these foods are added back slowly, with caution and in much smaller portions than you previously would consume them.
LOW CARB diets are customized based on the amount and type of carbs you are comfortable with.
Click on the image or on the link below to find out more about the LOW CARB diet.
Our UNIQUE Version of the ZERO CARB diet.
These were pages given to you at the time of your consultation.
*Disclaimer: Results will vary by person and are based upon the patient's choices, the lifestyle changes, and the compliance with the programs.
The content of this website is intended to be general information. It is provided only as a service.
It is not medical advice and not intended to be taken as medical advice.
The content of this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for or delay the seeking of appropriate or professional medical care.
Individual results may vary.
(You can do a check-in & review)
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