The world's first consumer body fat scale was introduced by TANITA in 1994.
TANITA is the world leader in health monitoring and body composition monitors and scales, with sales of more than 20 million units worldwide.
OUR PROFESSIONAL TANITA SCALES measure the resistance to the signal / use Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA). BIA passes freely through the fluids contained in muscle tissue and in blood, but it encounters difficulty / resistance when passing through fat which contains less water.
Our BCA / BODY COMPOSITION ANALYSIS & UNIQUE Methods are Paramount for Providing Proven Elevated Weight Loss & Wellness ACHIEVEMENTS in a Quicker yet Healthier process. As you want to loose Bad Fat... NOT good fat, muscle or water.
These machines quickly & reliably analyze your BIA / impedance reading, gender, height, and weight to compile a printout of your BMI (Body Mass Index), BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), Fat %, Fat Mass, FFM (Fat Free Mass), TBW (Total Body Water) & Desired Ranges.
This is why Body Builders, Athletes: Boxers, Football Players, World-Series Baseball Players, Olympic Medalists, Gymnasts, Trainers / Coaches, Nutritionists & the like use them.
Chances are that you already know that water is good for you. In fact, water is often referred to as the Elixir of Life, and for good reason; it helps you feel Alive & Energetic and is Essential for your Body and Brain to Function Efficiently.
Water helps to regulate body temperature, keeps the joints lubricated, skin hydrated, prevents infections, strengthen muscles and carries nutrients to the cells of the body. Staying properly hydrated increases the volume of blood and allows the optimization of the vessels to pump blood throughout the body which may reduce blood pressure as well.
In addition, the Liver and Kidneys work to Remove Toxins & Bad Fat from your body. {*OUR UNIQUE S PRODUCTS ALSO AID IN THIS PROCESS... ASK ABOUT OUR LIPODETOX & VITALITY}
Some patients may experience water retention or Edema related to health conditions including but not limited to High Blood Pressure. We do examine you for this * just ask while in consult* & may treat accordingly.
We also have Our Brand H20 Rebalance which is great for PMS and as a minor diuretic.
LIPODETOX: Fat Burner, Increases Energy, Stay Regular & Detox, Biotin & More! VITALITY: Fat Burner, Regulates Sugar/Glucose Levels, Blocks Carbs, Increases Energy, Biotin, Immunity, Curbs Carb Cravings, L-Carnitine to strengthen muscles & More!
H20: Helps w/PMS, Water Retention, Improves Sleep, Mood & More!
MIND & BODY ~ DHEA: Anti-Aging, Regulates Hormones, Decreases Visceral Belly Fat, Improves Mood & More!
DIUCAPS: Curbs Cravings, Controls Night Time/Binge Eating/Emotional Eating/Cravings, Improves Mood & More!
Is your 💩 Stuck? ... Ask about Our Natural Colon Cleanse Products !!
Check out our Extreme Energy ⚡, Slim, Immunity & Rehydrate drinks!
Don't forget about Our ALL NATURAL Top Quality Transdermal PATCHES!! {Great for TEENS too!}
for Energy & Stamina, Mood & Anxiety, Fat Burning, Sleep, PMS, Immunity, Revitalize/Anti-Aging & MORE!
*Disclaimer: Results will vary by person and are based upon the patient's choices, the lifestyle changes, and the compliance with the programs.
The content of this website is intended to be general information. It is provided only as a service.
It is not medical advice and not intended to be taken as medical advice.
The content of this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for or delay the seeking of appropriate or professional medical care.
Individual results may vary.
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